Vector of all supported models in univariateML
The currently supported models are mlbeta, mlbetapr, mlbinom, mlburr, mlcauchy, mldunif, mlexp, mlfatigue, mlgamma, mlged, mlgeom, mlgompertz, mlgumbel, mlinvburr, mlinvgamma, mlinvgauss, mlinvweibull, mlkumar, mllaplace, mllgamma, mllgser, mlllogis, mllnorm, mllogis, mllogitnorm, mllomax, mlnaka, mlnbinom, mlnorm, mlparalogis, mlpareto, mlpois, mlpower, mlrayleigh, mlsged, mlsnorm, mlsstd, mlstd, mlunif, mlweibull, mlzip, mlzipf